and Nursery
Growers of Red Currants, Black Currants and Gooseberries
2724 N Lewis Road, Coleman, MI 48618
(989) 615-4765
Gooseberries, Black and Red Currants
We usually open up the farm for you in July for black currants, red currants and gooseberries. We don't know the exact dates for u-pick until about July 4th. We will post them on our Facebook page as soon as we can!
We cannot predict how long the season will last. Before you come out, please make sure the berries are still available for picking by calling (989) 615-4765 or checking our Facebook page for updates.

Please be advised that the PARKING RULES HAVE CHANGED! We no longer allow driving through our yard and parking by the old barn. You will need to park in the new parking area on the other side of the creek where the farm sign is and walk across the gravel bridge to the old barn to check in and weigh your picking buckets. We will have signage to direct you to the new parking area. We appreciate your cooperation in our attempts to keep our farm beautiful.
Another change that was introduced in 2021 and will continue in the future: YOU NEED TO BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS TO PICK BERRIES INTO OR PURCHASE A BOX FROM US. The boxes are 25 or 50 cents each depending on the size. We will no longer provide picking buckets!
Please consider the following when planning your berry picking trip:
1) bring a hat and sunscreen, bug spray, plenty of water to drink, wear closed toe shoes and a long sleeve shirt;
2) a folding stool may come in handy when picking berries;
3) u-pick currants will be priced at $4.50/pound and gooseberries at $5.50/pound this year. No personal checks please. Cash payment preferred;
4) please keep in mind, if you are bringing your children for berry picking, they MUST STAY WITH YOU AND BE UNDER YOUR SUPERVISION AT ALL TIMES! Anyone who allows their children to roam free will be asked to leave. A farm can be a dangerous place for a child, please keep your children safe by keeping them close to you the whole time you are at the farm!
5) if you know you are allergic to bee stings, please bring your epi-pen with you. We try to keep our grounds pollinator friendly. There are lots of various bees and wasps on the farm.
See you all at the farm!